Virtual Rain Gauge Map
Rainfall Totals vs Normals (30 Year Average)
Indiana cities
- Aberdeen
- Akron town
- Albany town
- Albion town
- Alexandria
- Anderson
- Andrews town
- Angola
- Arcadia town
- Ardmore
- Argos town
- Ashley town
- Attica
- Auburn
- Aurora
- Austin
- Avilla town
- Avon town
- Barbee
- Bargersville town
- Bass Lake
- Batesville
- Battle Ground town
- Bedford
- Beech Grove
- Berne
- Bicknell
- Bloomfield town
- Bloomington
- Bluffton
- Boonville
- Bourbon town
- Brazil
- Bremen town
- Bright
- Bristol town
- Brooklyn town
- Brookston town
- Brookville town
- Brownsburg town
- Brownstown town
- Burns Harbor town
- Butler
- Cambridge City town
- Cannelton
- Carmel
- Cayuga town
- Cedar Lake town
- Centerville town
- Chandler town
- Charlestown
- Chesterfield town
- Chesterton town
- Churubusco town
- Cicero town
- Clarksville town
- Clay City town
- Clayton town
- Clermont town
- Clinton
- Cloverdale town
- Columbia City
- Columbus
- Connersville
- Cordry Sweetwater Lakes
- Corydon town
- Country Squire Lakes
- Covington
- Crawfordsville
- Crothersville town
- Crown Point
- Culver town
- Cumberland town
- Dale town
- Daleville town
- Danville town
- Darmstadt town
- Dayton town
- De Motte town
- Decatur
- Delphi
- Dillsboro town
- Dunkirk
- Dunlap
- Dyer town
- East Chicago
- Eaton town
- Edgewood town
- Edinburgh town
- Elkhart
- Ellettsville town
- Elwood
- Enchanted Hills
- English town
- Evansville
- Fairmount town
- Fairview Park town
- Farmersburg town
- Farmland town
- Ferdinand town
- Fishers
- Flora town
- Floyds Knobs
- Fort Branch town
- Fort Wayne
- Fortville town
- Fowler town
- Foxcliff Estates
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Frankton town
- Fremont town
- French Lick town
- Galena
- Galveston town
- Garrett
- Gary
- Gas City
- Geneva town
- Georgetown town
- Goshen
- Gosport town
- Grabill town
- Granger
- Greencastle
- Greendale
- Greenfield
- Greensburg
- Greentown town
- Greenville town
- Greenwood
- Griffith town
- Grissom AFB
- Hagerstown town
- Hamilton town
- Hammond
- Hanover town
- Harlan
- Hartford City
- Haubstadt town
- Hebron town
- Henryville
- Heritage Lake
- Hidden Valley
- Highland
- Highland town
- Hobart
- Hope town
- Hudson Lake
- Huntertown town
- Huntingburg
- Huntington
- Indianapolis (balance)
- Ingalls town
- Jamestown town
- Jasonville
- Jasper
- Jeffersonville
- Jimmerson Lake
- Jonesboro
- Kendallville
- Kentland town
- Kingsford Heights town
- Knightstown town
- Knox
- Kokomo
- Koontz Lake
- Kouts town
- La Porte
- Ladoga town
- Lafayette
- Lagrange town
- Lake Dalecarlia
- Lake Holiday
- Lake Station
- Lakes of the Four Seasons
- Lapel town
- Lawrence
- Lawrenceburg
- Lebanon
- Leo-Cedarville town
- Liberty town
- Ligonier
- Linton
- Logansport
- Long Beach town
- Loogootee
- Lowell town
- Lynn town
- Lynnville town
- Madison
- Marion
- Markle town
- Martinsville
- McCordsville town
- Melody Hill
- Meridian Hills town
- Merrillville town
- Mexico
- Michigan City
- Middlebury town
- Middletown town
- Milan town
- Milford town
- Mishawaka
- Mitchell
- Monon town
- Monroeville town
- Monrovia town
- Montgomery town
- Monticello
- Montpelier
- Mooresville town
- Morgantown town
- Morocco town
- Morristown town
- Mount Vernon
- Mulberry town
- Muncie
- Munster town
- Nappanee
- Nashville town
- New Albany
- New Carlisle town
- New Castle
- New Chicago town
- New Haven
- New Palestine town
- New Paris
- New Pekin town
- New Whiteland town
- Newburgh town
- Noblesville
- North Judson town
- North Liberty town
- North Manchester town
- North Terre Haute
- North Vernon
- Notre Dame
- Oakland City
- Odon town
- Ogden Dunes town
- Oolitic town
- Orleans town
- Osceola town
- Osgood town
- Ossian town
- Otterbein town
- Owensville town
- Oxford town
- Palmyra town
- Paoli town
- Parker City town
- Pendleton town
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Pierceton town
- Pittsboro town
- Plainfield town
- Plymouth
- Portage
- Porter town
- Portland
- Poseyville town
- Prince's Lakes town
- Princeton
- Putnamville
- Redkey town
- Remington town
- Rensselaer
- Richmond
- Rising Sun
- Roanoke town
- Rochester
- Rockport
- Rockville town
- Rome City town
- Roselawn
- Rossville town
- Rushville
- Russiaville town
- Salem
- Salt Creek Commons
- Santa Claus town
- Schererville town
- Scottsburg
- Sellersburg town
- Seymour
- Shadeland town
- Shelburn town
- Shelbyville
- Sheridan town
- Shirley town
- Shorewood Forest
- Simonton Lake
- Smithville-Sanders
- South Bend
- South Haven
- South Whitley town
- Southport
- Speedway town
- Spencer town
- Spiceland town
- St. John town
- St. Leon town
- Sullivan
- Summitville town
- Sunman town
- Sweetser town
- Syracuse town
- Tell City
- Terre Haute
- Thorntown town
- Tipton
- Topeka town
- Trafalgar town
- Trail Creek town
- Tri-Lakes
- Underwood
- Union City
- Upland town
- Valparaiso
- Veedersburg town
- Versailles town
- Vevay town
- Vincennes
- Wabash
- Wakarusa town
- Walkerton town
- Wanatah town
- Warren Park town
- Warren town
- Warsaw
- Washington
- Waterloo town
- West Lafayette
- West Terre Haute town
- Westfield
- Westport town
- Westville town
- Whiteland town
- Whitestown town
- Whiting
- Williamsport town
- Winamac town
- Winchester
- Winfield town
- Winona Lake town
- Wolcott town
- Wolcottville town
- Woodburn
- Worthington town
- Yorktown town
- Zionsville town
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