Virtual Snowfall Map
Precipitation Totals vs Normals (30 Year Average)
South Dakota cities
- Aberdeen
- Ashland Heights
- Aurora town
- Baltic
- Belle Fourche
- Beresford
- Blackhawk
- Box Elder
- Brandon
- Britton
- Brookings
- Canton
- Chamberlain
- Clark
- Clear Lake
- Colonial Pine Hills
- Crooks
- Custer
- Dakota Dunes
- Deadwood
- Dell Rapids
- Eagle Butte
- Elk Point
- Flandreau
- Fort Pierre
- Fort Thompson
- Freeman
- Garretson
- Gettysburg
- Green Valley
- Gregory
- Groton
- Harrisburg
- Hartford
- Hot Springs
- Huron
- Ipswich
- Kyle
- Lead
- Lemmon
- Lennox
- Madison
- Milbank
- Miller
- Mission
- Mitchell
- Mobridge
- North Eagle Butte
- North Sioux City
- North Spearfish
- Oglala
- Parker
- Parkston
- Piedmont
- Pierre
- Pine Ridge
- Platte
- Porcupine
- Rapid City
- Rapid Valley
- Redfield
- Rosebud
- Salem
- Sioux Falls
- Sisseton
- Spearfish
- Springfield
- Sturgis
- Summerset
- Tea
- Tyndall
- Vermillion
- Volga
- Wagner
- Watertown
- Webster
- Winner
- Yankton
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