The most common way to lookup rainfall totals on the web

We made it easier to lookup 24 hour rainfall totals by zip code with a simple tool

Jesse Vollmar
Jesse Vollmar

People are curious about how much it rained in the past 24 hours

One of the key insights from our founding story was that all sorts of people want to know how much it rained in the past 24 hours near them. The most popular way to find out how much it rained is to open up Google and search for “24 hour rainfall totals by zip code”. That often pulls up a national weather service web page with rainfall data for a random place. We decided to make it easier to lookup an exact zip code in 5 seconds or less on a simple web page.

Making it easier to get 24 hour rainfall totals by zip code

High quality rainfall data can be hard to come by, but our zip code search tool fixes that. The Precip tool lets you quickly lookup 24 hour rainfall totals near you. When you enter your zip code, the tool will automatically search for recent 24 hour rainfall totals. You can run as many searches as you like, or for easier access on the go you can download our free app to save locations and get daily totals anytime.

How it works

Precip specializes in producing the most accurate rainfall totals possible. We have hourly rainfall data for every location in the United States and Canada. We use radar data combined with gauges and other inputs to calculate rainfall totals at precise locations. When you search for rainfall at a specific zipcode, our tool first searches for the center latitude and longitude coordinates and then queries our rainfall dataset for the most recent 24 hour accumulations at that location. You can easily drag the locator on the map to get 24 hour totals for any location. Try it now.

Get rainfall totals on your phone

Precip is available on iOS and Android